Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ok. So people were making this big deal news about how "life as we know it" is redefined.

There is only one word to describe this "new and amazing finding...." That word would be: "D'UUUUHHH!!!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe they actually made a big deal about finding a bacteria that lives on arsenic as well as other matters. Why in the world did scientists think that just because everything we "know" lived and thrived on the same thing, that that had to be rule for everything in the universe?! Are you kidding me?... I guess they think it's logical to think that... But.... It's egocentric. AGAIN, we believe that everything revolves around us like we thought a long time ago that planets including the sun revolved around the Earth.... EVERYTHING DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND US! Everything we "know" is not what we "know." We know NOTHING. Period.

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