Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our World as We Know it

As we come closer and closer to December 21, 2012 I believe more and more that the Mayan prediction is right. So many things have happened in the world since then, and we have about two more years to go until this very much ancipated date.

Starting 2010, here are SOME the things that have happened:

January: Suicide bombing in Pakistan killing 90, injuring 100+,
             Haiti earthquake
February: Nigerian president overthrown by soldiers
               Chilien earthquake
April: Kyrgyz rioting
         President of Poland dead along with 96 in airplane crash
         China earthquake
         Gulf of Mexico oil spill
May: Airplane crash killing 103/104 in Libya
          Protest in Thailand killing 91, and 2,100+ injured
          Airplane crash in India killing 158/166
         Sinkhole in Guatamala
         Sinkholes appearing all over China
July: Monsoon in Pakistan killing 1,600+
October: Earthquake/Tsunami in Indonesia killing 400 and hundreds missing
                Volcano eruptions in Indonesia killing 240+
November: Airplane crash in Cuba kills 68
                    Stampede in Cambodia kills 347

January: Flooding and mudslides kill 800+ in Brazil
                Tunisian government falls after a month of violent protests
February: Egyptian president forced to resign from violent protests
                 Protests in Middle East from Iran, Bahrain and Yemen

So... Many natural disasters, airplane crashes, Presidents getting killed and overthrown, and violent protests in may countries. And when you turn on the news, what else do you see? Missing and murdered children, parents who kill their own kids... We have to face it that something is about to happen and the world as we know it will be changed. Anyone who rejects this is in serious denial.

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